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7 Urban Myths About Building Abs or Abdominal Muscles - Bloggers Croops

There is information that we often hear about  developing abdominal muscles , but whose source we do not know.  This is exactly the kind of ...

7 Urban Myths About Building Abs or  abdominal muscles - Bloggers Croops

There is information that we often hear about developing abdominal muscles , but whose source we do not know. This is exactly the kind of information that can be called "urban legend". This is a legendary list, starting from training or exercise to develop abdominal muscles, to the foods and supplements that should be consumed to develop abdominal muscles .

Today we have interpreted the 7 most common of these urban legends for you.

You probably know someone who eats 3 meals a day and rarely works out, but still has abs. Unfortunately, not all of us have such strong genes, and cases like this show why it's difficult to set strict rules when it comes to abs.

Your genetics, gender, and stress can play a role in weight loss (or gain). That's why a step-by-step guide for a sculptural centerpiece may not be very accurate. However, relying on myths and rumors about abdominal muscles will not give you the results you want.

It is for this purpose that we write this article to you; We have prepared it for your guidance.

1. Eating clean

If you constantly eat unhealthy foods, your body will look unhealthy. However, even if you eat healthy, you should pay attention to your portions. Remember that eating more than you burn will make you gain weight.

2. Carbohydrates and abs

Carbohydrates do not harm the abdominal muscles. However, white bread, sports drinks, and potatoes (fast-digesting carbohydrates) can cause an insulin spike that can hinder your fat loss. Save these for after training because they will help you recover. Instead, choose fruits, vegetables, legumes, brown rice, whole grain pasta, beans and oats.

If you are wondering the answer to the question "Can abdominal muscles be developed in 4 weeks?", " How Can You Develop Your Abdominal Muscles in 4 Weeks?" Be sure to check out the article!

3. Half crunches and crunches

7 Urban Myths About Building Abs or  abdominal muscles - Bloggers Croops

These two are the most common abdominal exercises, but they're not your only options. Russian twist, dip bar knee raise, hanging leg or knee raise, standing rope crunch and side bend are your other options. Vary your exercises and reps, and don't be afraid to use resistance and weights for a solid core.

4. Putting all the work on reinforcements

Caffeine and green tea may help you burn fat, but they won't get rid of all the fat in your belly. Unfortunately, there is no shortcut for abdominal muscles. What you need for abdominal muscles is a good training program, a low fat content and good rest.

5. Abdominal muscles and repetition speed

According to research by Spanish scientists, fast repetitions increase the activity in your abdominal muscles. But you should still practice your training with both fast and slow repetitions.

6. Training every day

Treat your abdominal muscles like muscles, that is, give them a chance to rest.

7. Doing crunches all the time

Training and diet are your biggest helpers on the path to abdominal muscles. But you should also pay attention to your stress levels because stress increases your cortisol levels, which can hinder your ability to lose weight. Meanwhile, staying up late at night causes you to eat unhealthy. This causes you to gain weight.

Whole Body Workout for a Perfect Physique

Why full body workout ? Can't we get a better development chart and a better physique by training every day of the week? No. It is true that “more is always better” is not always true. The right thing is to apply "the best".

7 Urban Myths About Building Abs or  abdominal muscles - Bloggers Croops

None of us have unlimited time to lift, lower, pull and run weights anyway. Remember this; Using time economically and designing a good training program will produce incredible results in achieving the physique you want.

What we mean by a good training program is to implement a full body workout spread over 3 days a week. Bodybuilding program , training with heavy loads and exercising your whole body, is a method that many athletes have used for years. Full body training done 3 days a week will both protect your existing muscle mass and help you develop your muscle mass in the future.

Total Body Workout Notes

  • Do the full body workout 3 times a week.
  • Do each workout one day a week.
  • Use the heaviest weight possible while maintaining your form.
  • You will use 3 strength training moves in each workout .
  • Your rest time between sets should be 60-90 seconds.
  • Each workout should last 30 minutes.
  • Less equipment is required for full body training, so you will train faster and more effectively.
  • Take at least a day off between workouts.
  • You will perform the exercises as station work.
  • Each full-body workout includes two upper body exercises and one lower body exercise.
  • Increase weight with each set to reach failure for the specified number of reps. Apply the training in the form of station work; Move from one exercise to the next without rest breaks. Rest for 60-90 seconds after each workout.

 Workout Support Your Workout with Nutrition

Applying these workouts, among the bodybuilding techniques, will help you start seeing results quickly with regular nutrition. What you need to remember is to eat in a way that supports fat burning in order to build lean muscle mass. For this reason, we recommend that you avoid carbohydrates as much as possible. Excess carbohydrates are nutrients stored in our body for possible times of famine. Prefer to consume carbohydrates about 1 hour before exercise. This helps provide more energy to your muscles. Avoid processed oils while sticking to healthy fats. Finally, you should make sure that you consume enough protein for your muscle building.

It is possible to achieve the body development you want with all these training and nutrition techniques. The 2 basic things you need are patience and effort.

7 Urban Myths About Building Abs or  abdominal muscles - Bloggers Croops

10 Rules for Not Giving Up in 6 Weeks

No matter what you start, it will be challengingIt's even harder not to give up once you realize it's not as easy as you thought. This challenge doubles when it comes to training and nutrition.

Hundreds of thousands of people start exercising every year, but many give up in the first six weeks. Half of the hundreds of thousands we mentioned give up in the first six months, and only less than a third of these people are still continuing to exercise after the first year. Of course, these statistics do not include people with physical illnesses. The main reason why the quitting rate is so high is the mental inability to maintain the program. If you're ready to challenge yourself, the strategies we suggest will tame the part of you that refuses to get in shape.

1) Determine the Outcome

When entering an unfamiliar path full of obstacles and detours, doesn't it make sense to first determine where you are going and what you want to achieve? Just saying to yourself, “I want to lose weight, get fit, and build muscle,” is too broad and vague. Well what does it mean? Set a specific goal with a time constraint, this will keep you focused on success.

2) Create New Habits

Creating a new habit is much easier than kicking an old, bad habit. For example, if you smoke, go to the gym regularly and increase the pace of your cardio sessions before taking on the challenge of quitting. Sooner or later, your motivation to improve the positive aspects of your life will help you replace those negative, destructive ones.

3) Be Clear

Try to imitate athletes who use their imagination by visualizing the results in their minds. When LeBron James moves down the court to take his free throw, his goal is not to shoot the ball near the rim. He imagines the basketball going through the net like a firecracker. Know exactly what your target looks like, feels like, and even sounds like. If you want to benchpress 135kg, see yourself do it.

4) Use Bribes and Threats

Apply whatever method you can to prevent yourself from giving up, either by giving orders or promises to yourself. The top reason why people give up is to succumb to self-defeating thoughts such as "Life is too short, let me enjoy it." You need to develop your ability to control impatience and move beyond tension.

7 Urban Myths About Building Abs or  abdominal muscles - Bloggers Croops

5) Think in Detail

Be aware that there are obstacles and challenges that will come your way and that you may stumble or even fall. But what will happen? No great work has been accomplished without bruised elbows and worn-out knees. Look at every stumble and setback as an opportunity that strengthens your resolve and builds your character, and see your mistakes as lessons to be learned, not excuses to give up.

6) Stretch and Shoot

Whether you're making great progress or not, take photos to document your progress. Do you think you can see your serratus anterior muscle when you lift your arm up? Then record the moment to give yourself positive reinforcement and motivation to keep working hard. Plus, the photos will give you a record of how much progress you've made when you look back, giving you some extra motivation and proof that you're on the right track.

7) Know Why You Want It

There is a saying: “If the why is big enough, it doesn't matter how.” Getting over, under, around, or through all of these obstacles that stand between you and what you want will require a significant amount of sustained motivation. If your determination is fueled by a weak, shallow purpose, that fire will fade long before you reach the finish line. This deep motivation will help you overcome obstacles.

8) Be Your Own Hero

Cut out the cover model of this issue, paste your own photo on the model's face and magnetize it to your refrigerator. Even though your body and genes are unique to you, it never hurts to try to imitate someone else's if it motivates you. Doing so will help you realize how to change your body and what it will take to get there.

9) Hold Yourself Accountable

There is evidence to suggest that sharing your goal with others makes you less likely to achieve it. Shouting to the world that you've started a new exercise will make you feel good in the moment, but it will also dull your desire or need to do it. Few people hold you accountable except your coach, coach, or close friend.

10) Turn up the volume

Even if it is just a one-man team, you need to prepare yourself psychologically and get excited, especially on days when you are not very motivated. Music can help you do this. Play songs on your iPod that will fuel your workout. Research has shown that music plays a very important role in getting you in the mood for exercise.

What is Free Training Technique?

It is a training technique that includes Weider's Principles in free training . These are the eclectic principle (changing the training program as needed over time), the instinct principle (finding by experiencing things that will benefit your body) and the holistic principle (incorporating different types of training into your program). But what really brings the free training style to life is your creativity.


  • Free training is an advanced training style. The first thing you need to do is learn how your muscles respond to different repetitions and sets.
  • Always be innovative with your training programs and consider your own needs.
  • Vary your workouts during your workout.
  • Monitor your muscle contractions, strength and energy levels during each workout to understand what effects the exercises are having.
  • Modify your weekly training plan to incorporate training styles such as circuit training, powerlifting and high reps into your workouts.

Free training means getting out of your routine. The good thing about the free training system is that it prevents boredom. You incorporate multiple training systems into your program and it helps you understand what actually works best for you.

7 Urban Myths About Building Abs or  abdominal muscles - Bloggers Croops

It is not without its downside. Your training is spent constantly trying new things, so that after a while you miss doing what you are most efficient at. As we said, the free training style is a training style specific to advanced bodybuilding athletes. In other words, it is necessary to be both innovative and disciplined.


  • When you try new things, you should continue for at least 3 weeks to understand its effectiveness.
  • Free workouts are more effective in the waist and leg areas, meaning you will get more efficiency in large muscle groups consisting of multiple muscles.
  • Use your full strength in your training. If you are not satisfied with the training you have done, tire your muscles by doing giant or decreasing sets.
  • Remember that there are many things you can change, these are; Exercise selection, exercise order, number of sets per exercise, number of repetitions per set, repetition speed, rest interval and techniques that increase training intensity such as superset and rest-stop.

    Must Haves in Your Winter Menu: Pomegranate and Artichoke

    Winter months can give you a difficult time in maintaining your shapely physique, and if you start not paying attention to what you eat, stomach disorders will come along. However, paying attention to health-promoting items such as prebiotics and probiotics will benefit your digestive system.

    Foods You Need Most in Winter:

    Pomegranate Power

    Pomegranate is a new shining star for creating a balanced environment in the intestine. Fresh pomegranate seeds not only add fiber to your diet: Laboratory studies with pomegranate extract revealed that a substance called polyphenol, naturally found in the components of the fruit, creates an environment for the development of good bacteria. In another preliminary study conducted with the participation of 20 healthy individuals, participants consumed pomegranate extract and claimed that the said polyphenol could be activated as a prebiotic and support the balance of beneficial bacteria in the intestines. Recent studies are quite different for polyphenol, which has been seen only as an antioxidant until now. Although scientific findings seem promising, there is not yet enough research on the effect of pomegranate on the intestines.

    Green Giant: Artichoke

    7 Urban Myths About Building Abs or  abdominal muscles - Bloggers Croops

    Include artichoke, which reduces pain and balances cholesterol, in your diet.

    A medium-sized artichoke contains 10 grams of digestive fiberArtichoke leaf extract is beneficial in relieving irritable bowel syndrome and improving cholesterol levels.

    In the study published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine in 2004, 208 adults with intestinal problems participated and consumed 320 to 640 milligrams of artichoke extract daily for two months. Participants reported that they experienced a decrease in complaints such as abdominal pain and constipation. In the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews evaluation conducted in 2011, it was discovered that artichoke extract lowered cholesterol.

    How do you prepare artichokes?

    The best options are grilling or steaming. Using kitchen shears, cut off the root and leaf tips. Gently push the leaves outwards with your fingers. Then, place the artichoke in a pot with about an inch of water in it, close the lid and cook for 25-40 minutes, until the leaves soften and can be easily separated from the stem. You can eat the fleshy part of the leaves and the heart at the root of the plant alone or with a little garlic olive oil.


    7 Urban Myths About Building Abs or  abdominal muscles - Bloggers Croops

    There is growing evidence that “good” bacteria in the gut supports your health. Fermented foods such as yoghurt, sour sauerkraut and the Far East's favorite kimchi are rich in good bacteria that are beneficial to intestinal health.


    To see the benefits of probiotics, you must consume the right foods. Good bacteria are found in the cellulose and pectin that make up the cell wall of plants. As the fibers found in the foods we eat move through the intestine, bacteria break down these fibers through enzymes, converting them into simple sugars, and ferment the fibers into short-chain fatty acids that our cells can easily absorb. This type of fiber we mentioned is called prebiotic. Prebiotics and probiotics work together, so if you consume bowls of yoghurt because it is beneficial, throw aside fruits and vegetables and do not meet your daily fiber needs, you will not be meeting the needs of good bacteria. Similarly, if you only consume fiber, beneficial bacteria cannot fully fulfill their duties.

    Are Your Muscles Not Growing Even Though You've Lost Fat?

    Almost everyone involved in sports now knows that it is possible to build muscle while burning fat . Thanks to the right training program and the right nutrition program, you can build muscle while burning fat.

    But sometimes something goes wrong. Even though you reduce your fat consumption, we do not see the change we expect in muscle mass.

    Let's try to explain the reason for this through a question asked by one of Muscle & Fitness Turkey readers.

    Question: Even though I have recently drastically reduced the amount of fat I consume, I am not seeing the muscle definition I want. What am I doing wrong?

    Answer: When your goal is to lose weight, reducing your total daily calories usually helps. However, to get rid of those last few stubborn kilos around your belly, you need to focus on macronutrients, especially carbohydrates and fats.

    First, focus on cutting carbs, not fat. In fact, some oils contain important nutrients; that is, fats that your body does not produce and consuming too little of them can actually sabotage your fat-burning goals by hindering your ability to burn calories. Examples of these “good fats” include eicosapentaeonic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), which are mostly found in fish, and alphalinolenic acid (ALA), which is naturally found in walnuts, flaxseeds, canola oil and some green leafy vegetables.

    Regardless of their source, these oils support skin, heart, and brain health by lowering cholesterol. Similarly, medium-chain triglycerides (technically saturated fats but not associated with heart disease) are used for energy rather than stored as fat and have been shown in studies to speed up metabolism.

    The new diet we share reduces simple carbohydrates and focuses on complex carbohydrates, and also focuses on the fatty acids that the body needs so that the body can burn fat more effectively and contains sufficient amounts of protein.

    Build Muscle Faster with Gironda's 

    If you are an experienced bodybuilder who has entered the plateau period, we recommend you try Vince Gironda's  training method .

    Legendary bodybuilder Vince Gironda, who trained Mr. Olympia champions and the stars of Hollywood blockbusters alike, was also renowned for using the latest methods in training and nutrition.

    One of his favorite methods was the 8×8 training system , which he described as “reliable . ” He said that with this method, you can build a large amount of muscle fibers in a short time.

    As the name suggests, this method is a reliable system for the training you will do in the gym. 8×8 training system is a high-set and repetitive training method that allows you to progress by shortening rest periods. You can also think of the 8×8 training system as high-intensity interval strength training. We can say that the 8×8 training system is a perfect method for those who want to both increase muscle mass and burn fat.

    Since this "reliable training" system includes high sets and repetitions, you will see its benefits in muscle mass increase and fat loss. Here we would like to remind you that the concept of progressive loading " (increasing the weight used) is an important element in hypertrophy , that is, increasing muscle mass.

    The 8×8 training system that we will discuss in this article causes more muscle damage by increasing your workload (you work harder by removing your sets and repetitions in a shorter time period compared to normal time), which returns to you as muscle growth.

    Similarly, short rest intervals increase your heart rate and give you the cardiovascular effects of an intense Met Con session. In the 8×8 training system, your goal is to gradually reduce the rest intervals and increase the weights you use. If you achieve this, you will be able to increase your muscle mass while losing fat .

    7 Urban Myths About Building Abs or  abdominal muscles - Bloggers Croops

    The 8×8 training system consists of 8 sets of 8 repetitions per exercise, with you reducing rest periods between sets as you progress. In the first week of the 8×8 training system, your rest periods will consist of 60 seconds, and after completing 8 sets and 8 repetitions per exercise, you will gradually reduce the rest periods by 5 seconds until you reach the level of 15-30 seconds. At this point, you can add more weight to the exercise and start the process over again.

    When it comes to the weight you will use initially, it is recommended that you start training with 50-60% of the maximum weight you can lift at a time. If you are not used to doing this many reps in one set, be cautious and use a lighter weight. To determine the weight you use, you can easily do 6 repetitions and 7-8 repetitions. Another method may be to choose a weight that will make you have difficulty in the last repetitions of the sets. If you are having difficulty with the repetitions before the 6th set, this is a sign that the weight you are using is heavy.

    Things to keep in mind:

    1. You should use the same weight for all 8 sets of each exerciseIf you can't do this, lower the weight.

    2. Stick to your rest periods. Measure each rest period and start your set as soon as your rest period ends. The exercise tempo should be 2-0-2 (2 seconds lifting the weight and 2 seconds lowering the weight without any pause), which is 32 seconds per set. Including rest periods, the 8×8 workout should not last more than 45 minutes.

    Since the intensity of 8×8 training is high, do only 3 sessions per week and limit your exercise selection to one large body area per session. It may make sense to exercise your weak areas in the beginning. In this type of high-set, high-repetition training system, you should also pay attention to your nutrition (protein) and recovery.

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